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Restarting 2LWithIt

It’s the eve before I restart my second year of law school. I’m quite nervous, but at the same time relieved that I spent this summer preparing to go back. It’s strange to dive back into an environment that I approached with such apprehension even a few months ago. This time last summer I wasn’t sure I could go back…or if I even wanted to go back.

Now, as I sit here doing my assignments for class tomorrow, with my puppy sleeping behind me, I think I’ve got a better handle on everything this time around. I can almost guarantee I’ll crack and break at times this semester and in the ones to come, but I don’t think I’ll turn away and run like I did before.

I’ve yet to come up with a way to describe what it’s like coping with symptoms that never seem to really go away. I guess like a lingering cold that makes you shit yourself and throw up without warning at all times of the day and night. It’s also an emotional rollercoaster, because there’s nothing like throwing up dinner and then feeling like you’re starving the rest of the night and don’t want to eat right before you sleep…or you do and feel nauseous in the morning.

School news aside, the house is plotting along. We recently discovered there’s asbestos all over the place-floors, ceilings, walls, you name it! Of course this means additional cost to remove it, as we can’t start construction (or even demolition) without safely removing the asbestos first.

Ah well. Maybe the house will be ready for the holidays next year…

Until then, it’s back to these readings and some puppy snuggles.

Until Soon,


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