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On the Eve of the First "Weekiversary"

To set the record straight, I’m not one of the those girls that makes my boyfriend buy me roses for every “monthiversary.” However, given this blog is the start of documenting a new direction I’m steering my life (at least for next year), I feel it fitting to summarize what it’s been like to go without law school for the last seven days. It’s kind of strange quitting something “cold turkey” when you’ve done it non-stop for the last year; I ate, slept, and breathed (is that even grammatically correct?) law school without ever giving any thought to just stop. And then I did. So here’s what I’ve been up to.

Thursday: Gave notice that I’d be taking a medical leave of absence for the upcoming academic year. Then I proceeded to move a bunch of shit out of my apartment, as moving elsewhere was necessary to receive medical treatments that couldn’t be administered at my complex.

Friday: Moved more shit out of my apartment and dropped off my 30 day notice. Then I went to a birthday party for a friend of my boyfriend. That was fun-I tried to drink beer and got sick (yay, no stomach lining) and I ate my weight in pizza.

Saturday: Moved more shit out of said apartment.

Sunday: Did some freelance writing and some homework for the masters classes I’m in.

Monday: Cleaned apartment.

Tuesday: More apartment cleaning.

Wednesday: Doctors appointments.

Welp, I’d say the most exciting day thus far was the one where I quit law school. While it’s not the exciting itinerary I had hoped to write, it’s honest and it’s left me with a lot of time to tie up in-progress law school-related things like jobs I had lined up and books I had ordered for classes (and now had to return). This time has also left me thinking about all of the possibilities I can create with or without finishing law school.

First and foremost though, my goal is to get healthy, and then conquer the world. So, up next on my list of very exciting things to do are: 1) find a nutritionalist who can help me find foods that won’t go skyrocketing across the room after five bites; 2) reorganize all of the shiz I’ve moved out so I don’t have to keep living out of Victoria’s Secret tote bags; and 3) integrate at least 20 minutes each day for peaceful meditation and reflection.

Not too long of a laundry list (yet). That’s all for now.

Until Soon,


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