Ethically Ever After

A few moments before the stroke of midnight last night, I feebly logged onto the website that was supposed to have the results from the legal ethics exam I’d taken a little over a month ago.

Much to my surprise the results letter was in my inbox, and without hesitation I clicked and zoomed in on where the score was supposed to me. Much, MUCH to my surprise, there was a little number that was points above the necessary score for my jurisdiction.

I was in such shock, I literally spent the next twenty minutes clicking and re-clicking the letter to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Then I proceeded to text my sister and boyfriend (at the ungodly hour of 1am) that I had passed in all caps and emojis.

Relief was definitely the most calming thing that washed over me as I read and reread the letter. I had for sure thought that I hadn’t had passed (again), even though I had studied for nearly two weeks straight without interruptions.

I guess you  could say I can permanently cross one thing off my list to becoming a lawyer, as once you take the test you don’t have to retake it.

Now, all that stands between me and my first master’s graduation is writing up my thesis. I’ve got a few more weeks left in the ethics MBA class I’m taking…and then that will be done too!

Like with everything else I’m dealing with, the health stuff has been improving gradually (although I don’t think taking four imodium to leave the house the other night was “progress,” but at least it worked).

I wouldn’t say I’m a tortoise, but maybe a feeble fox that’s trying to get back to full speed.

Bad metaphor, I know. I blame the fumes that are silently exiting out of a nearby pooch’s little butt…

Until Soon,


Author: 2LWithIt

Spoonie Adventures in Books, Beauty, & Bullshit I'm a twenty-something year old recent law and business school grad living with a chronic health condition. Follow along on my shenanigans.

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